
It’s the new crypto with a passion for pets, and a purpose for people, that levels the financial playing field by producing increase for everyday people!

How to Buy

Download & Set Up a Wallet

Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your phone). After that, you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network list.

Buy & Send BNB to your Wallet

Buy BNB on an exchange (i.e., Binance, Kraken, Coinbase). Transfer the tokens to your MetaMask wallet address. BEP-20 addresses start with a “0x”.

Exchange BNB for Weetwo on PancakeSwap

Head on over to https://pancakeswap.finance or use the contract address for Weetwo: 0x4ec5780db9afcf9f9a5c007a309cc832ac556d7eto swap BNB for Weetwo. Set the slippage tolerance to 4.2%.

Need More Help?

Review in-depth videos from Team Weetwo on trading by visiting the Weetwo Academy!

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Use Cases

Charity Surgeries


With over 50k Plus holders, Weetwo charity Will be making direct payments to our veterinary network members to pay for surgeries for our fuzzy friends when families can’t afford to do so. You can track Weetwo’s Charity wallets by going to our Charity link.

Vet Network


Through our WeetwoVet.app that is under construction now we will continue to grow and monitor our veterinarian network. All veterinary hospitals and clinics Will continue to grow as a holders as well as enjoy referral benefits and payments via Weetwo tokens as well as other crypto/stable coin or $USD through our WeetwoVet.app.

Weetwo the Oracle


Weetwo’s Global goal is to reach 1 million holders worldwide in there veterinarian hospital network. At this milestone, Weetwo becomes an Oracle. Weetwo Will be able to provide veterinary crypto insurance to cover prescriptions, medical and life. For more information, see our white paper.


Weetwo is a self deflationary Binance smart chain (BNB) smart contract. As you buy Weetwo Tokens, there is a very small (4.2%) slippage.

  • 2% is redistributed to all other Weetwo Token holders as frictionless gains.
  • 2% is converted into the Weetwo Token Liquidity Pool & locked and burned.
  • 0.2% There’s always slippage (Weetwo Token Smart Contract isn’t part of that.)


Weetwo is a deflationary token, with every trade a small amount of tokens are set aside in the contract at a point the contract converts them to LP tokens (That’s our liquidity pool) and then burned. This will happen for the life of the project.

Though to enhance our deflationary token stance, we have set aside large amounts of Weetwo tokens for Dev Burns. To date (10-12-2022) we have burned 66% of the total tokens created as promise with more Dev Burns to come as the locks come open.


We plan on BURNING it all down to around 40 Trillion
Public Float, plus the Liquidity Pool. JUST WATCH!





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Be they Canine or Feline, Weetwo will be here to help

© Copyright 2022. All rights reserved Weetwo Inc.